
Stuffed Toys: Gund: My First Dolly, Blonde

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SMY 6047446
It's never too early to start making new friends. The sweet and soft collection of Baby GUND baby dolls is made for imaginative little ones who want to be just like mommy and daddy. This 12 soft baby doll wears a classic white and pink dress with frills and polka dots, with matching hat, embroidered with flowers and My First Dolly on the front. An adorable tuft of blonde string hair pokes out from the front of her hat. Safe embroidered face details bring dolly to life and ready to play with little ones of all ages. The baby dolls, infant toys, and stuffed animals made especially with babys safety in mind of our Baby GUND collection make the perfect baby shower gifts and nursey decor. She is appropriate for ages 0 and up and machine washable for no-hassle cleaning.