
Board Games: Expansions and Upgrades - Blitzkrieg: Combined Edition

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The perfect wargame for non-wargamers Two players battle across the wars most iconic theatres, winning key campaigns and building their military might.
Blitzkrieg is a challenging game with simple rules, a short playing time, and many tough decisions Close campaigns, win war victory points, gain further resources and special weapons, and exploit strategic advantages as you play.
The Nippon Expansion adds a new challenge to Blitzkrieg What if the Axis coalition had won World War Two, and Germany invaded and occupied the United States of America? And what if Japan then turned on its former ally and invaded German-held America? With the help of Godzilla?
Blitzkrieg was nominated for Best 2-Player Board Game at the 2019 Golden Geek Awards. It received the Dice Towers Seal of Excellence and was
named the best 2-player game of the year by Tom Vasel Its rated at 7.8 on
1 Double sided game board
22 Axis unit tokens
22 Allied unit tokens
22 Japanese unit tokens
18 Special weapons tokens
8 Strategem tokens
5 Battle markers
2 War victory markers
1 Dice
2 Cloth bags
2 Player screens
2 Rulebooks